C4G BLIS API v0.1 Documentation ---------------- C4G BLIS API is an HTTP API that enables you to query the C4G BLIS system externally. - Format for HTTP queries: http://[C4G BLIS IP]:[C4G BLIS PORT]/api/[QUERY].php?[ARGUMENTS] For example, - Argument are passed as GET values in the HTTP link. For example, username and password are passed to connect.php as shown in the above example. - Non-error results for the query are returned as key-value pairs in the JSON format. - Error values: -2 : Incorrect arguments -1 : Query Error 0 : No values returned Else: connection error - Any machine on the same network that is able to access C4G BLIS can exploit this API ---------- API: - connect.php Function: Authenticate and start session Arguments: username and password Return Value: 1 if successful - disconnect.php Function: Disconnect and terminate your session Arguments: None Return Values: 1 if successful - search_patients.php Function: Search for patients as per specified method Options = 1 : by Patient Name (returns all patients with name starting with the specified query string) 2 : by Patient ID 3 : by Patient Number Arguments: Search option, Search query Sample Usage: - search_specimens.php Function: Search for registered specimens as per specified method Options = 1 : by Specimen ID 2 : by Patient ID (returns all specimens registered for patients with the specified ID) 3 : by Patient Name (returns all specimens registered for patients with name starting with the specified query string) Arguments: Search option, Search query Sample Usage: - get_specimen.php Function: Get patient information for the specified patient ID Arguments: specimen ID Sample Usage: - get_tests.php Function: Get all tests associated with the specified specimen ID along with the results (if available) Arguments: specimen ID Sample Usage: - get_patient.php Function: Get patient information for the specified patient ID Arguments: patient ID Sample Usage: - get_patient_results.php Function: Get patient results between specified date range Arguments: patient ID, date from, date to, include pending results (0 if No, 1 if Yes) Sample Usage: - get_specimen_catalog.php Function: Get specimen catalog Arguments: None Sample Usage: - get_test_catalog.php Function: Get test catalog Arguments: None Sample Usage: - get_test_type_data.php Function: Get information and measures associated with a specified test type Arguments: Test Type ID Sample Usage: - get_lab_sections.php Function: Get lab section / test categories Arguments: None Sample Usage: - get_inventory.php Function: Get current inventory data for the lab Arguments: None Sample Usage: - get_stock_lots.php Function: Get stock lots for the specified reagent ID Arguments: Reagent ID Sample Usage: - get_stock_usage.php Function: Get stock usage log for the specified reagent ID and lot Arguments: Reagent ID, Lot Sample Usage: - get_infection_rates.php Function: Get infection rates for specified lab section between specified date range Arguments: category_code, date_from, date_to Sample Usage: - get_prev_rates.php Function: Get prevalence rates between specified date range Arguments: date_from, date_to Return Values: [total tests, tests with negative results, prevalence threshold] Sample Usage: